Experiements with Apache Superset
I have added Superset to the existing Airflow stack in Docker-compose and there i have been able to visualize the data thats been ingested via airflow DAGS. Here is a simple chart that I created This chart provides the total tests done in Albany county per day and the new positives identified that day.
Instructions to setup Superset
Once the instructions to start Airflow is complete, follow the below steps:
- Connect to the superset container.
docker exec -it airflow-docker-superset-1 /bin/bash
- Create user in superset
superset fab create-admin --username admin --firstname superset --lastname Admin --email admin@superset.com --password XXXX
- Upgrade superset db
superset db upgrade
- Superset init
superset init
Access superset ui at localhost:8090 and login using credentials set above
- Add Database connection. Connection string would be as below:
When you create a connection the host should be : host.docker.internal
- Create a script for the above steps and automate user creation in superset