Experiements with Apache Superset

Here, we guide you step-by-step on setting up Airflow locally with Docker. Simplify your workflow and explore our easy-to-follow instructions for seamless Airflow deployment on your machine.

Experiements with Apache Superset

I have added Superset to the existing Airflow stack in Docker-compose and there i have been able to visualize the data thats been ingested via airflow DAGS. Here is a simple chart that I created This chart provides the total tests done in Albany county per day and the new positives identified that day.

covid-master-2021-02-23T01-43-21 230Z

Instructions to setup Superset

Once the instructions to start Airflow is complete, follow the below steps:

  • Connect to the superset container.
    docker exec -it airflow-docker-superset-1 /bin/bash
  • Create user in superset
    superset fab create-admin --username admin --firstname superset --lastname Admin --email admin@superset.com --password XXXX
  • Upgrade superset db
    superset db upgrade
  • Superset init
    superset init
  • Access superset ui at localhost:8090 and login using credentials set above

  • Add Database connection. Connection string would be as below:

    When you create a connection the host should be : host.docker.internal

connect_details image


  • Create a script for the above steps and automate user creation in superset